Seasonal Produce is Changeable!
I really hate to say ‘goodbye’ to fall/winter squash and my beloved citrus fruits like grapefruit and oranges but the reality is that seasons are changing and so are what we see in the Produce Department.
Tip: Get an acorn or spaghetti squash (shown at left) while you can because their season is fast going away.
Moving On to Poultry!
One of the most popular ‘dinner-starters’ in every grocery store is the rotisserie chicken. It makes a super easy meal at home, along with a steamed vegetable and a baked sweet potato.
Tip: Pick up a fresh, whole chicken in the Meat/Poultry Department and roast it yourself for a preservative-free option. It’s simple: For a 2-3 pound chicken, remove wrapper, sprinkle with any herbs you like, and bake uncovered for about 1-1/2 hours at 350 degrees. Check doneness with an instant-read meat thermometer that indicates fully cooked when 165 degrees in the breast, away from bones.
Moving Into the Grain Aisle!
It makes all kinds of good nutrition sense to eat whole grains, based on their higher fiber, vitamin and mineral content. Not only that – they taste great, too!
Tip: Put a whole grain into your grocery basket once a week. This could be wild or brown rice or whole grain spaghetti. Follow the cooking instructions on the package since they may be slightly different from the ‘plainer’ grain.
Make Your Grocery Basket a Healthy Inspiration!
It’s time to make your personal nutrition statement with a healthier grocery basket. Be a role model as you push your cart through the store for others to see it brimming with colorful fruits, vegetables, unprocessed whole grains and poultry. When you get home, let your family members help unpack and put away what you bought so they will be inspired, too. For tips, ideas and a place to learn about making healthy choices, join me on Facebook!
What whole grain will you try?