If you are tired of salty snacks, candy bars and baby carrots, then say ‘hello’ to the crunchy and sweet apple. Not that baby carrots are an unhealthy choice, because they’re not. But, there is perhaps nothing more versatile and nutritious than the apple.
Think about it — with all the fruits in the grocery store to choose, which gets your attention? Which ends up in your grocery cart every week, or nearly so? Which satisfies all the kids in your household? Which is affordable, especially when purchased in the 3-pound bag?
There are many ways to enjoy apples after washing them well:
Eat them whole
Slice them and spread with peanut butter (or soy nut butter)
Slice them and dip into vanilla yogurt
Slice and dip them into caramel (my son’s favorite)
Slice and _____________ (fill in the blank)
I recommend you take a peek at this fun, 30-second video about an Apple Dipping Bar from the ‘Produce Man’ at Fruits and Veggies ~ More Matters. What fun for the kids…and kids at heart! Here’s the link: Apple Bar Video
Can you give advice for which apples are sweet and flavorful, even in the winter? I try my best to avoid apples that are soft and bland.
Thank you!
I think Pink Lady, Yellow Delicious and sometimes Granny Smith are your best bets during the winter for crunch and flavor. Also, try the fresh, southern hemisphere apples from New Zealand and/or South America when they come in. Don’t be afraid to ask a Produce Dept. clerk to cut you a sample of a fresh apple at the grocery store before you purchase. This is definitely a good way to choose. Thanks for asking, Lindsay!