If you are a reluctant veggie eater then please listen up! A simple cooking method called, oven roasting, is here to change your mind. For me, it was about 6 years ago that I first tasted homemade, roasted vegetables, and I will forever be grateful that I did.What I like about them is colors, flavors, sweetness, ease and variety. What I dislike is,well…nothing.
Here’s how: Turn on the oven to 425 degrees.Wash and cut up some veggies such as butternut squash, red skinned potatoes, onions, sweet peppers of all colors, zucchini, sweet potatoes and broccoli into bite-size chunks. I usually mix 3 kinds together, but 1 or 2 works great, too. Toss all the veggies into a big bowl and add about 1 tablespoon of olive oil, a pinch of salt, a pinch of black pepper and a large pinch of fresh or dried herbs. My favorite herb to add is rosemary but basil, thyme and mint are yummy, too. Stir up veggies + herbs with a big spoon. Scatter onto a baking pan and pop into the oven. Turn once after 10 minutes for even cooking. Remove pan from the oven after 15-20 minutes. Veggies are done when tender if poked with a fork, but not mushy.
Now, that’s what I call delicious and nutritious!
Roasting vegetables bring out the natural sugars, so they’re a great choice for getting kids to like vegetables too!
Thanks so much for your comment, Katie. I think the sweet flavor of roasted vegetables appeals to kids of all ages, don’t you?!
Loved the pictures of all the colorful veggies, and you are so right, this is such a simple way to cook a variety of them and leaves so much room for personal choices. The herbs really do add great flavor, too. No excuse with this easy method to NOT cook vegetables!
Thanks for your comment, Cammy! As they say, we eat with our eyes and colorful is always good.
Thanks. I’m supposed to be cooking for my new vegetarian girlfriend next weekend and have no idea what to make! I found a loadlots of recipes at this vegetable recipes site but with soo many to choose from I just got confused. Do you have any favorites youself, like .. the tastiest vegetarian recipe, ever, or something?! Thanks in advance! I’m so clueless about this vegetarian stuff
You’re welcome, Desmond! I’d say a nice mixture of roasted vegetables + brown rice + a nice crusty herb bread will definitely impress. As far as the roasted veggies, just mix together 3-6 of these: sweet potatoes, fennel, colorful Bell peppers, onions, garlic, broccoli florets, cauliflower florets. It goes on and on. Good luck!