There is nothing that says 'fall' more than pumpkins. Not only are they beautiful, but they come in very handy for healthy and tasty eats in the home kitchen. I carve a smiling jack-o-lantern each year for Halloween and then, a few weeks later, add it to my compost bin. The pumpkin that I cook with is simple, canned, solid pack pumpkin. It is easy-to-find at the grocery store, affordable and made from one, natural ingredient: pumpkin. Almost everything tastes better with pumpkin added to it or made from it like pumpkin soup, pumpkin muffins and pumpkin pie. Two of my favorites are … [Read more...] about Pumpkin in the Kitchen
Simple, Healthy, Tasty Food
Are you working too hard at dinnertime? Try this easy and tasty assembly line dinner. After a long day, it’s time to relax and enjoy dinner with the whole family. But how? Here’s a menu plan that works nicely – it’s on the table quickly, it’s satisfying and nutritious and cleanup is easy. There are many variations of this dinner, too, when your kitchen has a well-stocked pantry. First, get out your dinner plates. Then form an assembly line with one family member dishing 1-2 items, with clean hands, that is. Kids will get a charge out of ‘cooking dinner’ tonight. Layer 1 is a handful … [Read more...] about Simple, Healthy, Tasty Food
More Pumpkin Ideas for the Kitchen
There are so many scrumptious and healthful ways to use pumpkin in the kitchen. Some people cut up a fresh pumpkin and use it in their kitchen recipes. Others buy the canned, solid pack pumpkin which can be kept on hand for whenever the pumpkin mood strikes. Two favorite, easy recipes leap to my mind. One uses fresh and the other uses canned pumpkin. Please give them a try. Roasted Pumpkin & Onions: Cut fresh pumpkin into bite-size chunks. Cut an onion into chunks or slices. Toss both veggies in a bowl with a little olive oil, pinch of salt, pepper and rosemary. Lay out on a baking … [Read more...] about More Pumpkin Ideas for the Kitchen
Harvesting Basil
I harvested all of my home-grown basil last weekend on a sunny, 75 degree day. It was an hour of pure fun for me since I don't mind getting my finger nails fact, I like it. There are so many ways to use this luscious summer herb, so a bumper crop of basil is no problem at all. First, I washed all the leaves well -- a must to remove dirt and an occasional insect. Then, I measured out many packed cups of basil leaves to make a double batch of my favorite, easy pesto recipe, shown below. Typically, I refrigerate one small container of pesto to use up within a couple days on pasta or … [Read more...] about Harvesting Basil
Afraid to cook fish? Try it for a Healthy New Year!
New Year's Resolution Time There are New Year's resolutions swirling in most of our heads this week. A rigorous, daily exercise routine? An earlier bedtime? A healthier meal plan? What did you choose for 2011? All healthy lifestyle resolutions are great as long as you don't try to tackle too much. One (1) resolution, carefully selected and in line with your health goals, is plenty. Repeat, one(1) is the best starting point. If you choose a healthier meal plan to start the New Year, then my vote goes to adding fish to your family's table. If you're afraid to cook fish, then it's time … [Read more...] about Afraid to cook fish? Try it for a Healthy New Year!
Want to make your home recipes healthier? Here’s help.
A taste of home includes making and enjoying recipes that came from mother, grandmother or a good friend. But, do they fit your healthy kitchen? Do you feel good about putting them on the family meal table? Ingredients make the difference Choosing ingredients carefully is the answer. In baked goods, use unsweetened applesauce - up to 1/2 cup - instead of margarine. Use 2/3 cup sugar instead of 1 cup. Use whole wheat flour for half the amount called for. You'll be surprised how good it tastes and feel better about the nutrition. Another ingredient trick is to use half nonfat plain yogurt … [Read more...] about Want to make your home recipes healthier? Here’s help.