New 2010 US Dietary Guidelines Challenge Us All Last Monday, the USDA revealed new advice for all healthy Americans over the age of 2 ~ the 2010 US Dietary Guidelines. This sort of advice comes to us every 5 years after a large investment in human and financial resources by the government. In the most positive sense, it serves as a challenge for us to make healthier choices at the supermarket and on our meal plates, all with the aim of better health and quality of life. This time, there is a slew of advice directed at reducing obesity since it underlies so many chronic and serious health … [Read more...] about New US Dietary Guidelines – Try more green veggies for starters
Family Meals Together — Here’s how!
Eating Together as a Family It's time to get it together and eat meals with the family. Think of the fun...the homemade flavors...the time for relaxing. Not only that, but there is solid evidence that families who eat together are eating more nutritiously. And, kids in these families are learning all kinds of positive behaviors -- everything from getting better grades in school to respecting the cook and the Earth in their daily lives. Cookbooks Give You a Plan Don't be without a trusted cookbook when you are making your family dinner plan. Two favorite cookbooks of mine are written … [Read more...] about Family Meals Together — Here’s how!
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Stuck in a Breakfast Rut? Try an egg!
Get a Grip on Breakfast There's no two ways about it -- breakfast is not to be missed. Read on for 3 simple solutions to your breakfast dilemma and a fun video. Why Eat Breakfast? Energy, clear thinking and healthier weight are 3 top reasons never to skip breakfast. Making careful, nutritious choices for the morning meal makes good sense, too. 3 Simple Choices for Breakfast Make it quick and simple, like this, or try a recipe with nutritious ingredients: 1. Hardboiled egg sandwich on whole wheat bread or toast + orange or pear + 1% milk 2. Oat cereal with raisins & … [Read more...] about Stuck in a Breakfast Rut? Try an egg!
Name That Tomato: A Game of Healthy Choices
Tomatoes hit the spot in July! There are more than 100 varieties to learn about, and to grow yourself. No matter which variety you try, you'll notice a rich flavor plus a nutritional prize of vitamins A and C along with fiber and very few calories. Just for fun, play the guessing game below and Name That Tomato! Game Rules: Name the 5 tomato varieties. Think of 3 ways to add tomatoes to a meal or snack. Hints: Here are the 5 tomato variety names, out of order: Celebrity/Early Girl; Green Zebra; Sunkist; Curly Red; Sungold Cherry Time to Name That Tomato (front to … [Read more...] about Name That Tomato: A Game of Healthy Choices
Home Cooking is Easy, Cheap and Tasty!
What's so great about home cooking? Trying to do more home-based cooking is a smart decision. By doing this, you and your family will enjoy more flavor and richer nutrition. Not only that -- you will feel a powerful sense of pride in what you serve on the breakfast, lunch and dinner table. Everyone does, including the kids! How can I get started? Getting started in your kitchen is easy. You will need a few pots/pans, utensils, an apron and simple menu planning and recipe resources. Now, take a deep breath and give it a try! Here's one easy, cheap, tasty recipe to try Homemade … [Read more...] about Home Cooking is Easy, Cheap and Tasty!