Car Trips and Snacking
My friends usually laugh at me when I pull out a ‘pocket snack’ while on the road. Actually, I’m one of those people who carries a snack just about everywhere I go. Yes, maybe I’m driving 4 hours or 8, or maybe I’m just headed to the other side of town. When you pack up your car for vacation, or a much shorter drive, do you include healthy snacks?
Why Bring Along Healthy Car Snacks?
My 3 favorite reasons to be smart with snacking in the car boil down to adding a burst of physical & mental energy, saving money, and cashing in on an opportunity to eat a fruit and/or vegetable. This article may speak to you as it did to me. It describes potential snack options that make you feel good an hour after you eat them – a wise approach.
Car Snacks Short List
We all have our go-to snacks. Choosing the ones that fit your personal nutrition goals and deliver a burst of awesome flavor belong on your short list. Here are 5 examples of my short list of healthy car snacks for vacation or not:
- Crackers & Cheese: String cheese travels well & the cracker adds a great crunch.
- Dried Fruit: All dried fruit travels well. Try dried apples, peaches, cherries or raisins.
- Yogurt: Stash yogurt cups into a small cooler with an ice pack to keep them chilled down.
- Nuts: Bring a store-bought can of mixed or solo variety nuts to stay alert – not hungry – while driving.
- Water: Stash water into a cooler. Seltzer or club soda is sparkly and refreshing for a change.
Healthy Car Snacks & Meals to Get You Through the Week
Good nutrition is about practical ideas that work for you. Whether you’re looking for ideas about healthy car snacks or meals to get you through the week, take a look at my EStore of easy & affordable meal plans, grocery lists, and recipes. My goal is to give you a burst of energy and ideas that really make sense.
What will go into your car trip snack pack?