Risks of Trying New Foods
If you think about it, trying a new food is not really a high-risk behavior like quite a few others. What will happen if you try a new food and you don’t like it? Well, you might experience a taste, smell and/or texture you don’t normally like. Or, you might have to spit it out. Or, you might have to swallow it anyway if you’re out to dinner. But, what if you try a new food and like it? This is when the benefits really kick in.
Benefits of Trying New Foods
♦Expanding Nutritional Variety – This is a biggie for everyone because every time you expand the foods you eat, you expand the positive nutrition your body gets. When the new food is a fruit, vegetable or grain, you are getting the benefits of natural phytochemicals from the plants that can improve your immune system along with adding important nutrition.
♦Setting a Good Example – For parents and grandparents, this is seriously a top benefit. Parents and grandparents who try new foods and have fun doing it will raise kids who try new foods and have fun doing it. Kids, after all, deserve to experience all imaginable flavors so that they will grow up to be mindful eaters who appreciate everything on their plate.
♦Cooking More – The kitchen can become your favorite room of the house when you get interested in trying new foods and cooking them. Research shows that eating at home means eating better quality nutrition. Period. If you see a new food at the grocery store or farmer’s market, be sure to check out how to cook it and then give it a go. These easy-to-follow videos will give you new meal ideas to use right away.
♦Discovering Flavors – We all enjoy different flavors and textures in food so trying new foods is an edible discovery. Radishes, like the one above, are super crunchy and spicy. Parsnips are tender and sweet when you roast them. Greek style yogurt is thick and creamy and wild rice is tender-crunchy and nutty. Life is definitely more fun with more flavors.
Taking a Risk to Reap the Benefits
It’s time to get over it and try new foods. Don’t hold your nose and don’t let the kids slip their taste to the dog. Just pop it in your mouth, chew and swallow. When you get into the habit of trying new foods then amazing things will happen. It’s all about enjoying the food that you eat and feeling great about how its nutrition strengthens your body. If you need resources that are easy-to-use and affordable, try these menu and recipe booklets. And, my free report is another great way to get going!