Grocery Shopping Day
I used to shop on Saturday mornings to miss crowds. Then it was Sunday afternoon to combine my shopping with the upcoming week’s meal planning. Now, it’s a mixture of weekend days and busier weeknights. Do you have a set day for grocery shopping? If you do, that’s one option. The other option is waiting for your pantry and fridge to cry out, ‘Fill me!”
Hunger Makes a Difference in What You Put in Your Cart
Tips for smart grocery shopping are out there and many of us come up with our own. With busy schedules as the norm, though, focusing in the aisles can be tough. One thing that is now supported by credible research is that if you’re driving a grocery cart with an empty stomach, your choices may suffer. A recent research study at Cornell University showed that shoppers who were hungry made poor nutrition choices for their cart compared to those who were not hungry. The hungry ones tended to make choices that were higher in calories and lower in nutrition-density. Uh oh. The easy solution is to put something into your stomach before cruising the aisles and here’s how:
How To Grocery Shop Without a Growling Stomach
1. Plan a Nutritious Snack as You Plan Your List: As you plan your meals and write your shopping list, try including a plan for a pocket-snack. You can scotch tape a nutritious snack bar or single-serving of nuts to your list if that helps you remember it. Eat a snack bar made of whole grains and 5-10 grams protein and it will probably keep your stomach from growling while you cook dinner, too – an added bonus.
2. Crunch on an Apple or Firm Pear: As you get ready for the day, stash a high-fiber, fall fruit like an apple or firm pear in your pocket or pocket book to enjoy before you hit the store. The firm pear is crunchy like an apple and it doesn’t bruise like the soft, ripe one.
3. Visit the Deli for a Slice: If your shopping trip is totally unplanned, don’t worry. Steer your cart fist to the Deli and order a slice or 2 of lean meat or unprocessed cheese. Eat it and save the wrapper with price to pay at checkout. Some stores give a free sample of the item before you purchase it so this may work out for you, too.
Your Grocery Shopping Challenge
Everyone has something to learn about grocery shopping. For some, it’s how to get organized with a meal plan and list. For others, it’s how to use up all those healthy fruits and veggies at home before they spoil. For all, shopping within a budget can be huge. The learning is ongoing and the healthy outcomes are amazing. Make a goal and work on it every grocery trip. When you commit it to habit, then take on a new goal. Healthy groceries are the starting point of a healthy kitchen and healthy life for you and those you care about the most. To speed up your learning, my e-books about meal planning and tasty recipes are really helpful and not overwhelming like most cookbooks. And, please join me on Facebook for daily tips and a friendly place you can interact with others who are learning about good nutrition, too!
What is your hardest grocery shopping challenge?