Fresh herbs make everything taste better, if you ask me. I mean everything. The nice thing is that these days, you can easily find fresh herbs in the grocery store in the fresh produce department. Or, look for them at your local farmer’s market or grow them yourself. Here are 3 ways to use fresh herbs for delicious results!
Fresh Herb Omelet (grocery list items are bolded)
1. Whisk 2 or 3 fresh eggs in a small bowl with a tablespoon of water, pinch of salt and pepper. Finely chop 1-2 tablespoons of fresh herbs such as parsley, chives, oregano, tarragon, and mint. Use the herbs you like best.
2. Heat a 7-8 inch pan to medium high and melt 1/2 tablespoon butter into it.
3. Pour eggs into pan all at once.As the egg begins to cook, shake the pan a little and push the cooked side part back to the middle with a fork or small spatula.
4. Gently turn the cooked omelet onto a plate to ‘fold it’ into thirds. Top with herbs.
Fresh Herb Smoothie (grocery list items are bolded)
1. Core a fresh pineapple and cut into small chunks. Wash and coarsely chop a few fresh basil leaves.
2. Fill a blender about halfway with pineapple chunks and top it off with the basil. Add 1-2 tablespoons water.
3. Blend for 20-30 seconds until smooth.
Fresh Herb & Bean Salad (grocery list items are bolded)
1. Mix these together in a large bowl: 1 can, 16 oz, drained and rinsed black beans, 1 can, drained and rinsed kidney beans, 2 cloves minced garlic, 1/4 cup chopped celery, 1/4 cup chopped green or black olives, 1 cup cut-in-half cherry tomatoes, 1/4 cup chopped fresh basil/parsley/cilantro (one herb or all three).
2. Gently stir all ingredients together. Add a pinch of salt and pepper along with 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil and 2 tablespoons vinegar. Gently stir again.
3. Cover bean salad and chill in fridge for 1 hour or overnight.
Fresh Herbs in Your Kitchen
Experimenting in the kitchen is really fun and fresh herbs can be your secret weapon! Chop and add fresh herbs to your next meal to boost flavor, add positive nutrition and have some fun. Join me on facebook for easy kitchen and cooking tips day-after-day. Make good nutrition your goal!
What’s your favorite way to use fresh herbs?