Good Nutrition Essentials for Back-to-School
Kids’ bodies run best on nutritious foods – as do adult’s. Kids feel better when they are pleasantly full – as do adults. Kids like to eat with family and friends – as do adults. Get the point? We all thrive on good nutrition in moderate portions eaten with those we care about.
3 Essentials for Families
1. Plan ahead – Make a smooth transition with well-planned meals, grocery list and recipes. Use a pencil and paper, laptop or smart phone to get organized for a cheaper food bill and less stress.
2. Get the family together for meals at home – Put a quick breakfast and home-cooked dinner on the meal table as often as you can. Simple combinations of basic foods will nourish everyone best and keep cleanup reasonable.
3. Be a healthy-eater role model – Lead by example, every day and every meal. It’s as easy as sharing an apple while helping your child with homework or pouring a glass of 1% low fat milk for everyone at the dinner table.
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Mishka Andreas says
A weekend family gathering in the garden is also a good way to bond with the kids. Just make sure that you are preparing healthy foods too! I used to prepare chicken sandwich grilled and home-made vanilla ice cream with fresh strawberries for my relatives back when I was still living in California. It was really fun, and sharing food with the people you love makes it much more special.
Cindy says
Thumbs up for gathering the family in a garden, or strawberry field or apple orchard. Exploring how food grows, harvesting and sharing it with loved ones is definitely an activity that makes life rich. Thank you for your comment, Mishka!