Why it Matters
Food is most flavorful and nutrient-rich when eaten at its peak quality. That’s why most of us spend time sorting through lemons, turning over broccoli florets and sifting through fresh loaves of bread before putting them in our grocery cart. Fresh is something everyone wants!
What to Store at Room Temp
Tomatoes, avocados, garlic, potatoes, onions, bananas, and unripe melons will be fresher if stored at room temperature. Once cut, wrap them up and place in the fridge. Then, eat in a day or two.
How You Can Save
By storing food in its ‘sweet spot’ for light, temperature and moisture, you will be rewarded with fresh ! Not only that – you will have less food rot and, by throwing away less, you will save money. Smart food storage combined with smart meal planning is a super smart goal for everyone!
What food will you store differently for freshness?