Healthy Holiday Food Gifts Guest Blog by Kaylie Chrismon The holidays can be difficult when trying to brainstorm for gifts for friends and loved ones. It can also be calorie-laden! Giving healthy holiday food gifts can remind people that the holidays aren’t always about sweets but are a time to savor hearty flavors and spend time with friends and family. Here are 5 fun, easy, and healthy holiday food gifts that will definitely be a hit. 1. Spiced Nuts (see photo at left) This is an easy and delicious holiday recipe that can be eaten from the jar, scattered over oatmeal or yogurt, or … [Read more...] about Healthy Holiday Food Gifts!
A Healthy Pumpkin Pie Recipe for Thanksgiving Dessert!
Seasonal, Nutritious, Versatile Pumpkin! Did you carve a Jack-O-Lantern on Halloween? I have to admit that my pumpkin carving skills are not so great. My skills with a can of solid packed pumpkin, though, are much better. My short pumpkin how-to video to will give you an idea about what you can do with a can of pumpkin in your kitchen. Please look at it, with special attention to the healthy pumpkin pie in a blender recipe because this makes a perfect finish to Thanksgiving or any special dinner. Healthy Pumpkin Pie Recipe - In the Blender! Makes one 9-inch pie, 8 servings, 150 … [Read more...] about A Healthy Pumpkin Pie Recipe for Thanksgiving Dessert!
Apple Crisp is a Healthy Dessert Recipe!
Apple Crisp This is a healthy dessert recipe with big apple flavor! Kids can help by washing the apples, squeezing the lemon or lime, and measuring, making and scattering the crumb topping, with supervision. Makes 6 servings 3 medium, 4 cups sliced Apples, any kind, any color 1 tablespoon Lemon or lime juice, fresh ¼ cup Sugar, white granulated ½ teaspoon Cinnamon, ground Topping: 2 … [Read more...] about Apple Crisp is a Healthy Dessert Recipe!
Healthy Tuna Lasagne Recipe in 12 Easy and Cheap Layers!
Healthy Tuna Lasagne Ingredients! Most of my friends and family love Italian lasagne and they make it with ingredients like ground beef, ricotta cheese, Mozzarella cheese and Parmesan cheese. I prefer, though, to take a lighter, leaner and cheaper approach by making healthy tuna lasagne with canned light tuna, fat free cottage cheese and a modest amount of part-skim Mozzarella cheese and Parmesan cheese. I make a very simple, homemade Marinara sauce for my tuna lasagne, too, and load it up with fresh basil and garlic for great flavor without all the saturated fat of ground beef and heavier … [Read more...] about Healthy Tuna Lasagne Recipe in 12 Easy and Cheap Layers!
Pumpkin Muffins are a Healthy Snack!
Sweet Snacks Can Be Healthy Snacks! When I get the chance, I really like to have a cup of hot tea and a healthy sweet in the mid-afternoon. One day late last week, I realized that there was nothing in the kitchen to satisfy my 'healthy sweet tooth' and this amazing Pumpkin Muffin Recipe came to mind. Luckily, it was a day that I had about 30 minutes to spare and so I made the recipe and then enjoyed one muffin with my afternoon tea. Ah-h-h. Pleasing Pumpkin Muffin Recipe! Makes 12 regular or about 24 mini muffins 1 can, 15-16 oz Pumpkin, solid pack, canned ½ … [Read more...] about Pumpkin Muffins are a Healthy Snack!
A Healthy & Happy Fridge and Freezer!
Appreciate Your Refrigerator! Just a few days ago, a strong summer storm rolled through my neighborhood and we lost power. Nearly 48 hours later, our power was restored. Boy, do I appreciate my refrigerator now -- even more than I usually do. The milk is cold, the fruits and veggies are crisp and fresh and the leftovers are well chilled until we reheat them. The freezer is back to normal now, too, with ice crystals in place. Keep Temps Cool in Your Fridge & Freezer! Do you know what temperature your fridge should be every day, day-after-day? What about your freezer? I would guess … [Read more...] about A Healthy & Happy Fridge and Freezer!