A New Season of Fresh Apples In North Carolina, August signals the beginning of a new season of awesome, healthy, delicious apples. If you love apples, like me, this is the month to get out to a Farmer's Market or the apple orchard itself for the freshest apples. Eating an apple a day is a very smart way to feel great and stay healthy! A Contest for Kids - Win an Apple T-Shirt Washington State grows a lot of fresh apples as do North Carolina, Virginia and Michigan. If you think it would be cool to win a t-shirt with a big apple on it, then kids can enter an apple writing … [Read more...] about Quick & Easy Apple Salad Recipe
Peaches & Cinnamon Make Sweet Summer Meals!
Caring for Fresh Peaches It seems simple. Pick-your-own or buy fresh peaches and then eat them. But, wait - there's more! By following these 3 steps, your summer peaches will reward you with more flavor, more sweetness and more enjoyment. Step 1. At home, store peaches on the kitchen counter. Step 2. Twice a day, check for ripeness by very gently squeezing the peach with your thumb and index finger. Step 3. When peach is slightly soft to the touch and smells 'peachy', eat or store in the fridge (for up to one week.) Peaches & Cinnamon in Meals and Snacks Sprinkling … [Read more...] about Peaches & Cinnamon Make Sweet Summer Meals!
Summer Vegetable Mixtures Make Meals Tastier!
Mix it Up! Are you are slipping into a rut using the same vegetables over and over and over? You're not alone. Most of us put one of 3-5 different choices on the family table because we like them, our families will eat them and we believe in vegetables. Climb out of that Rut! It's time to branch out and climb out of that rut with summer vegetable mixtures. The best part about mixing veggies together is that anything goes and all flavors blend. Not only that -- the colors are brighter and the family perks up to eating superior nutrition. Try One of These! Here are a 3 summer … [Read more...] about Summer Vegetable Mixtures Make Meals Tastier!
Mediterranean Meals are Healthy and Satisfying!
Mediterranean Meals Begin with Mediterranean Ingredients I often recommend meals made from Mediterranean ingredients. Why? They are full of flavor, full of nutrition and easy to learn to cook. Also, they use familiar ingredients that you can find quickly and inexpensively at an American supermarket. For a start, look at the ingredients in my photo at the left. More Mediterranean Ingredients To learn more ingredients that are used in the Mediterranean area of the world, think of the flavors of Greece, Turkey, Italy, Spain, France, North Africa and what grows locally there. The list … [Read more...] about Mediterranean Meals are Healthy and Satisfying!
Hydrating Liquids are Healthy Choices!
Hydrating your body Hydrating your body needs to be a #1 priority. This means when you are excising and sweating and when you are doing everyday things like working or going to school or walking the dog. Why is Hydrating your body a good idea? The human body is more than 3/4 water - that's why! Your brain and other vital organs, skin and muscles are all water-based and we lose water little-by-little, all the time. Believe it or not, more water is lost through the skin than anywhere else. Putting hydrating liquid back into our body keeps everything working smoothly and it also helps … [Read more...] about Hydrating Liquids are Healthy Choices!
Grocery Shopping 101: Whole Grains
Why Whole Grains? Good nutrition is all about enjoyment and variety. Whole grains are a notch healthier as they provide more fiber, B-vitamins, folic acid and iron than their refined counterparts. Whole grains typically are lower in calories than other starchy foods and they can help fill you up, too. By powering up nutrients and powering down calories, you can lower blood pressure, reduce joint pain and be less susceptible to type 2 diabetes. Grocery Store Tips 1. Come to the store with a list of whole grains to try. For starters, you might try whole wheat pasta, quick-cooking … [Read more...] about Grocery Shopping 101: Whole Grains