If you think an omelet is only for breakfast, then think again. This one works as a meal or a healthy snack. In Spain, the traditional Tortilla is well known as comfort food. It's a popular meal starter at home and it's easy to find as a snack or tapas around town, too. One thing I especially like about the Spanish Tortilla - a simple egg & onion & potato omelet - is that the whole thing is flavored with delicious extra virgin olive oil. Another thing I like is that it costs very little to make and most family members will like it. Finally, I like it because it reheats so well … [Read more...] about Spanish Tortilla is a Potato-Onion Omelet
Balancing Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Butter
As a dietitian, I get a lot of questions about fat and I appreciate every question. Fat seems to be one of the most misunderstood nutrients there is. So, this blog reviews facts about olive oil and butter to give you information and confidence that you are 'in balance.' Quick Olive Oil Facts: A fat that comes from grinding and pressing whole olives A pure 100% fat with no protein or carbohydrates, and about 100 calories per tablespoon A 'liquid fat' with about 3/4 monounsaturated fat A delicious flavor enhancer with a baked potato, scrambled egg, or slice of bread A fat that … [Read more...] about Balancing Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Butter
Go Half and Half with Yogurt for Better Nutrition
My sister's been trying some better nutrition lately and she gave me this idea for a new blog after trying the half and half thing with yogurt. When you go half and half with yogurt, you substitute half of your flavored yogurt with plain yogurt. What that does for your nutrition is huge. It cuts in half the added sugars that come with a cup of flavored yogurt; it boosts up the calcium you get from your yogurt; and it leaves a half cup of flavored yogurt to mix with plain yogurt tomorrow. Please keep in mind that throughout this blog I'll be mentioning plain yogurt which will mean plain … [Read more...] about Go Half and Half with Yogurt for Better Nutrition
Tomatoes Check All the Boxes of Fresh, Delicious, and Convenient
Imagining meals without tomatoes is hard for me to do. Sometimes I add them to my breakfast with a sliced cucumber and dollop of hummus. Other times I add them to my lunch sandwich -- to make a tasty ELT. At dinner, tomatoes pop up in a side salad, sauce, soup, or just on my plate and ready-to-eat. I don't think I'm alone in counting on tomatoes to be there for me. Maybe you can relate. I've had quite a few grocery store checkout line chats and/or farmer's market chats with total strangers who share their 'tomato love stories' with me. See how many varieties you know here. Fresh and Delicious … [Read more...] about Tomatoes Check All the Boxes of Fresh, Delicious, and Convenient
Baked Meatballs are the Best
Everyone Loves Meatballs I'm not sure I've ever met anyone who dislikes meatballs. Even my friends who are vegetarians usually like - yes - vegetarian meatballs. Sounds a bit unusual, maybe, but you can actually make them from lentils, chickpeas, soybeans, oatmeal, quinoa and brown rice. The list of interesting, plant-based ingredients goes on and on. For this blog, I'm going to stick to meatballs made from meat and I hope to expand your horizons on all the possibilities. Have you Tried Baked Meatballs? Instead of frying, I have a really easy recipe that I use to make baked meatballs. … [Read more...] about Baked Meatballs are the Best
Grilled Squid is Savory, Easy, and Full of Nutrition
The Nutrition of Squid The nutrition resume of squid is about as good as it gets when you think about the center of your plate, otherwise know as the entree. A protein boost is what you get with squid as you do with all seafood. Along with the protein comes a very small amount of fat, mostly unsaturated or the heart-healthy kind, and a small amount of carbohydrate. A 3-ounce serving of squid which is 2-3 squid bodies or about a cup of squid rings, amounts to a very moderate 150 calories, a very respectable 15 grams protein, and a very modest 7 grams carbohydrate. The glycemic index for squid … [Read more...] about Grilled Squid is Savory, Easy, and Full of Nutrition