Baked goods with carefully chosen ingredients can fit everyone's good nutrition plan if you keep an open mind. Baking Best Practices There are a few best practices to rely on when you want to bake a healthy loaf of bread, a dozen muffins or a batch of cookies. Taking time to work these out will give you a perfect starting point for better nutrition. Why? Because you'll have new items for your grocery list and other items you may take off your grocery list or buy less often. It's always smart to plan ahead. Here are my favorite best practices: Keep it simple Make substitutions … [Read more...] about Breads, Cookies and Muffins with Quality Nutrition and 3 Recipes
A Grocery Store Tour Goes Virtual!
The grocery store is a powerful place to learn about nutrition so bring consumers along virtually as a great starting point. 5 Ways to Connect Consumers to their Grocery Store on a Virtual Tour Introduce a few big-picture learning messages before getting into specifics Talk through real aisles of the store as an orientation Show real foods and/or packages of foods as demos Mention an easy recipe you like to make as a way to highlight specific foods Give tips to save time & money along with your nutrition-themed topic 5 Foods to Show Consumers on a … [Read more...] about A Grocery Store Tour Goes Virtual!
Simple Ingredients Make Great Flavors in Tomato and Basil Soup
If you think seriously about flavor, there are certain food pairs that work together in perfect harmony. For example, tomatoes and basil. There are many Mediterranean recipes that combine tomatoes with basil - and, almost always there's some extra virgin olive oil included, too. Here's an easy-to-make soup that works all year round, hot or cold. Out of fresh tomato season (fall, winter, spring,) use canned tomatoes for the best results and dried basil. In fresh tomato season (summer) get the best flavor by using both canned tomatoes and fresh ones, along with a big handful of fresh basil … [Read more...] about Simple Ingredients Make Great Flavors in Tomato and Basil Soup
Cool Foods Make Summer Better and 5 Options to Try
One important food lesson I learned while living in Spain last year was that cool foods like soup can make a hot day much better. Cool Tomatoes In Spain, one of the universally favorite foods to enjoy during summer and early fall is soup and it's refreshingly cool. Being in Spain was wonderful (pre-novel corona virus) and taste testing cool tomato soup was even better. My favorite, cool tomato soup is called Salmorejo and it's a specialty of Cordoba in the southern part of Spain where the summer heat is basically unbearable. Guess what? Sipping cool tomato soup makes everything … [Read more...] about Cool Foods Make Summer Better and 5 Options to Try
Canned Seafood is a Delicious Mediterranean Choice
If you're a fan of Mediterranean style nutrition then why not become a fan of canned fish and shellfish, too? During my 4-month stay in Spain (pre-COVID19) last fall, something I learned was to eat more fish. I took every opportunity to purchase fresh fish at the Central Market in Salamanca or at one of the walkable grocery stores, and I ordered fish or squid (my favorite!) at a tapas bar or a lunch restaurant. There were many memorable meals and fish was often on my plate. When making a meal in our apartment I liked the canned fish option as an easy, tasty, light supper. My go-to was to … [Read more...] about Canned Seafood is a Delicious Mediterranean Choice